
  • rampstyle #22 <br>I for myself
    rampstyle #22
    I for myself
    15,00 EUR
    What makes us tick? Ultimately, it’s always our personality. This wonderfully dazzling and unique “me” through which we see ourselves and the world. So far, so good – as seen by others. But once we start thinking about our self, things get more complicated.
  • rampstyle #21 <br>Sex, Art & Chocolate
    rampstyle #21
    Sex, Art & Chocolate
    15,00 EUR
    Immanuel Kant would not have bought this issue of rampstyle. In Kantian ethics, man is bound by duty, and it is irrelevant whether he is happy or not. A nasty trap – and deeply entrenched in our culture to this day.
  • rampstyle #20 Sunny Side Up
    rampstyle #20 Sunny Side Up
    15,00 EUR
    If the problems do not solve themselves, it is best to shut down the system briefly. With an emphasis on brief. The success of the action lives then naturally substantially on the fact that one can be pleased finally about a successful restart.
  • rampstyle #19 Hyppytyynytyydytys
    rampstyle #19 Hyppytyynytyydytys
    15,00 EUR
    There is no happiness without misfortune. Or to put it another way: The safest formula for unhappiness is to think about happiness (and yourself) all the time. Nevertheless, we once dared to do so.
  • rampstyle #18<br> La pensée sauvage
    rampstyle #18
    La pensée sauvage
    15,00 EUR
    If our lives go according to plan, we'll be happy. Didn't I? Well, yeah. When everything is predictable, there is no room for spontaneity. Which brings us to Claude Lévi-Strauss and his work »La pensée sauvage« (»Wild Thinking«).
  • rampstyle #17 Sticking to It
    rampstyle #17 Sticking to It
    10,00 EUR
    Sticking to it? Sure, we know what that means. But we wanted to delve deeper, to penetrate to the core of stick-to-it-ive-ness as a philosophy – even as a way of life. That might even entice us to examine our own paradigms and behaviors and to discover the joy of experimentation.
  • rampstyle #16 Those 3 Seconds
    rampstyle #16 Those 3 Seconds
    10,00 EUR
    Das Jetzt hat es eilig. Das, was wir als Gegenwart empfinden, bleibt uns nicht einmal für die Dauer eines Atemzugs erhalten. Umso bewusster sollte man sie erleben. Beispielsweise bei Gesprächen mit Clint Eastwood, »Switch reloaded«-Star Martina Hill, Noel Gallagher oder Prinz Pi.
  • rampstyle #15 Save the Cat!
    rampstyle #15 Save the Cat!
    10,00 EUR
    What makes a good story? A likable main character. Says US film producer Blake Snyder. And this likability is best created through deeds rather than words.
  • rampstyle #14<br> So, it’s all good. Finally!
    rampstyle #14
    So, it’s all good. Finally!
    10,00 EUR
    Der Mensch ist nicht perfekt. Aber gerade diese Tatsache macht es doch erst richtig interessant. Erst aufgrund seiner Imperfektion begibt sich der Mensch neugierig und kreativ auf die Suche nach Neuem. Haben wir dann auch mal ganz entspannt gemacht. Man is not perfect. But it is just this fact that makes things really interesting. Because it is his imperfection that sends man, curiously and creatively, searching for something new. That sounded just like something we would like to do.
  • rampstyle #13 Grace under Pressure
    rampstyle #13 Grace under Pressure
    10,00 EUR
    What is courage? Let’s ask Ernest Hemingway: “Courage is grace under pressure.” Sounds good. We would like to add that courage is somehow always an attribute for men. Robert Redford, for example. Or Porsche factory driver Mark Webber. Unfortunately, this issue of rampstyle #13 is only available in German.
  • rampstyle #12 Outside the Box!
    rampstyle #12 Outside the Box!
    10,00 EUR
    Unfortunately, this issue of rampstyle #12 is only available in German.
  • rampstyle #11 Immer in Bewegung
    rampstyle #11 Immer in Bewegung
    10,00 EUR
    Unfortunately, this issue of rampstyle #11 is only available in German.
  • rampstyle #10 Kühl wie eine Gurke
    rampstyle #10 Kühl wie eine Gurke
    10,00 EUR
    Unfortunately, this issue of rampstyle #10 is only available in German.
  • rampstyle #9 Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
    rampstyle #9 Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy
    10,00 EUR
    Unfortunately, this issue of rampstyle #19 is only available in German.
  • rampstyle #8 Mach’s gut und Danke für den Fisch
    rampstyle #8 Mach’s gut und Danke für den Fisch
    10,00 EUR
    Unfortunately, this issue of rampstyle #8 is only available in German.