Green is energetic, has power, lives. Green is the symbolic color of life, with green comes movement, dynamism into life. This symbolism is as international as the experience. The healthy is signaled with green anyway, but whoever then combines green, the color of plant life, with red, the color of animal life, mixes a color that, at the speed of light shoots the message of pure vitality right through our instincts.
Green breathes fresh, is open. The language depicts it. Fresh is the opposite of preserved, prepared, dried. »Green wood« is fresh, wet wood; in England there is »Green Meat« - not green, but fresh meat. A »Green Machine« is not necessarily a green machine, but brand-new. And a »Green Track« is not a particularly green track, but one that has been washed clean by a shower of rain and - without rubber abrasion or dirt - is fresh. Sure, an »Evergreen« can be old as a musical hit, but never old-fashioned. So what is green is perceived as fresh. A perfume dyed green suggests a fresh and tart scent.