
  • Men’s manual - Best of rampstyle by Michael Köckritz
    Men’s manual - Best of rampstyle by Michael Köckritz
    29,00 EUR
    Existential questions are answered here: How do I build the perfect sandcastle? How do I start a band? Is there a perfect record player? (Spoiler Alert: yes, there is). Men´s manual is a supergroup of sorts: ramp and teNeues throw together their concentrated expertise in lifestyle.
  • The Harley-Davidson Book »Refueled«
    The Harley-Davidson Book »Refueled«
    50,00 EUR
    The asphalt is not enough: experience the Harley-Davidson lifestyle up close, which sometimes takes you to the beach, onto the ice or up a steep face. For all easy riders who see a motorbike as more than just a means of transport.
  • The Next 60 Years Porsche 911 Design Projekt
    The Next 60 Years Porsche 911 Design Projekt
    298,00 EUR
    This book documents the stages of the Porsche design language, a scientific analysis of the design process and an outlook on how, from the perspective of young design students, the coming vehicle generations could embody the unique design treasure of the legendary Porsche 911 sports car icon.
  • rampspecial New Horizon
    rampspecial New Horizon
    20,00 EUR
    With the New Horizon, Christian Zschocke created a sculpture on four wheels that whets the appetite for the future. In an interview, the Frankfurt-based lawyer explains why he would like to see more courage in society, how the car actually drives, and why he was totally taken aback by the reactions to the art project.
  • rampstyle #24 <br>I am (cool)
    rampstyle #24
    I am (cool)
    15,00 EUR
    Everything is supposed to be cool; everyone wants to be cool. We encounter the terms cool and coolness almost everywhere we go – at times overused, at times vague and undefined. At the same time, coolness inspires, it is confidence, an attitude, a style, an aesthetic.
  • rampstyle #25 Keep It Simple and Smart
    rampstyle #25 Keep It Simple and Smart
    15,00 EUR
    We prefer to experience our world not only as rather complicated, but also as extremely complex. And there we are, more or less merrily in the middle of it all.
  • rampstyle #23 Me. Again.
    rampstyle #23 Me. Again.
    15,00 EUR
    An issue we dedicate to ourselves. Us. Once again. Following on from our last rampstyle, which we called »Me for Myself«. Wonderful. How do we ideally approach this »me«? We recommend a combination of two strategies: Approach your identity hunt like Inspector Columbo, who always seems a bit off-track in the detective series of the same name, but nevertheless always solves the case.
  • rampstyle #22 <br>I for myself
    rampstyle #22
    I for myself
    15,00 EUR
    What makes us tick? Ultimately, it’s always our personality. This wonderfully dazzling and unique “me” through which we see ourselves and the world. So far, so good – as seen by others. But once we start thinking about our self, things get more complicated.
  • rampstyle #21 <br>Sex, Art & Chocolate
    rampstyle #21
    Sex, Art & Chocolate
    15,00 EUR
    Immanuel Kant would not have bought this issue of rampstyle. In Kantian ethics, man is bound by duty, and it is irrelevant whether he is happy or not. A nasty trap – and deeply entrenched in our culture to this day.
  • rampstyle #20 Sunny Side Up
    rampstyle #20 Sunny Side Up
    15,00 EUR
    If the problems do not solve themselves, it is best to shut down the system briefly. With an emphasis on brief. The success of the action lives then naturally substantially on the fact that one can be pleased finally about a successful restart.
  • rampstyle #19 Hyppytyynytyydytys
    rampstyle #19 Hyppytyynytyydytys
    15,00 EUR
    There is no happiness without misfortune. Or to put it another way: The safest formula for unhappiness is to think about happiness (and yourself) all the time. Nevertheless, we once dared to do so.
  • rampstyle #18<br> La pensée sauvage
    rampstyle #18
    La pensée sauvage
    15,00 EUR
    If our lives go according to plan, we'll be happy. Didn't I? Well, yeah. When everything is predictable, there is no room for spontaneity. Which brings us to Claude Lévi-Strauss and his work »La pensée sauvage« (»Wild Thinking«).
  • rampstyle #17 Sticking to It
    rampstyle #17 Sticking to It
    10,00 EUR
    Sticking to it? Sure, we know what that means. But we wanted to delve deeper, to penetrate to the core of stick-to-it-ive-ness as a philosophy – even as a way of life. That might even entice us to examine our own paradigms and behaviors and to discover the joy of experimentation.
  • rampstyle #16 Those 3 Seconds
    rampstyle #16 Those 3 Seconds
    10,00 EUR
    Das Jetzt hat es eilig. Das, was wir als Gegenwart empfinden, bleibt uns nicht einmal für die Dauer eines Atemzugs erhalten. Umso bewusster sollte man sie erleben. Beispielsweise bei Gesprächen mit Clint Eastwood, »Switch reloaded«-Star Martina Hill, Noel Gallagher oder Prinz Pi.
  • rampstyle #15 Save the Cat!
    rampstyle #15 Save the Cat!
    10,00 EUR
    What makes a good story? A likable main character. Says US film producer Blake Snyder. And this likability is best created through deeds rather than words.