This possible future reminds me a little of my old homeland, the Soviet Union. Our socialist empire was an autarky, poor but economically independent. With its planned economy, it had not only planned the quantity of goods to be produced in advance, it could also predetermine the needs of its citizens. The state told its citizens what they should want in the coming year and how much of it. There were better times and worse times, sometimes our autarky had done business with Africa, then there were green bananas. My mother used to put them in the oven because she actually wanted yellow bananas, in effect acting dissidently to annoy the state.
The bananas usually skipped the yellow phase and went straight to black. Very rarely did we have yellow bananas. When the Greek army officers took power in their military coup, we were suddenly able to buy green olives from Greece in our Soviet stores, and every now and then the citizens were delighted with Pulman brand cigarettes from Cuba, which were also sold in dark green boxes.