We’ve made it, we have nothing left to prove to anyone, only to ourselves. This philosophy can be attributed to and experienced in an astonishingly congruent manner in two super sports cars. Rarely have two cars been so closely aligned with this magazine’s theme as these two.
“Stay cool” is more than just another slogan. It expresses a way of life, reminding us not only to be cool, but also to stay that way. Like these two cars, which seem so effortless in their appeal, their ingenuity, their radical nature and their talent for timeless perfection.
2010 was obviously a good year, perhaps it even held that moment we are all looking for, the moment in which time stands still. We’re constantly searching for moments of happiness, inventing fashions in order to chase after them posthaste, but the impression is mounting that it may be worth turning back a few chapters. Steve Jobs presented the first iPad. Sebastian Vettel became the youngest Formula 1 world champion to date. And the Siberian iris was flower of the year in Germany. Still with us? We don’t want to overdo it either.