And the noise?
We had to fit the car with a muffler to dampen the sound a bit.
How does a racing car like that drive in a city like Stuttgart? Can you reverse park it?
You can. But it’s one of the most exciting experiences or, to put it another way, it’s hell. You have to avoid every manhole cover you come across because the car is that low. It’s loud. And then there’s the turn signal. It’s extremely difficult to operate, especially in the city, as it is mounted as a push button in the center console. The blinker only works while the button is pressed. In other words, if you want to indicate a turn, you end up steering with only one hand. And if you want to change gears at the same time, things get really exciting. This is where a passenger comes in handy.
This takes some practice. Admittedly, Armin Pohl, in the style of a real rally driver, gives sufficient warning of the turns coming up. But the co-driver just isn’t responsive enough during the photo shoot. The rather shameful performance leads Pohl to end the collaboration just half an hour later. From that point on, depending on the situation, he operates the turn signal himself – or simply doesn’t indicate his intention to turn.
Is your wife a better co-pilot?
She is. Though she’s never been along for a ride. And she hasn’t explicitly asked to either.
Naturally you’ve already taken it to the racetrack.
This year at Le Mans. We went to the Le Mans Classics with the Supercar Owners Circle and were allowed to drive on the circuit, albeit not in regular competition, but at least for a few hot laps. That was a special experience. I don’t find driving the Ferrari ( … )
→ Read the entire interview in ramp #63.